Thursday, October 2, 2014

Recording a New Nation

The first president of the United States  was George Washington. He is such a historical figure because he was the general of the  American Revolution, and this lead him to becoming the first  president of our new country. This is was significant because George Washington is the only president elected to the office of president with a unanimous vote.

The president had advisers known as the cabinet. The two people in his cabinet was Thomas
Jefferson and Alexander  Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson wanted strict interpretation of the rules while Hamilton wanted loose interpretation.

I believe it's okay to disagree but not be disagreeable. The reason for this is because if I disagree without listening to what the other person has to say in the end you could be wrong and not know why.

I believe that we should have a cabinet that disagrees rather than agrees because this way i can acces the situation and can find a comprimise so that everyone is happy

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