Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Industrial Revolution

Thomas Edison is famous for invention of direct currents

The Erie canal  was man made this is significant to U.S because its used to transporting goods.

The freedom to own a private business without government  regulations.  An entrepreneur is a business man who he in search of profit.  They were important because they helped the economy grow and they create services that people buy and provide jobs.

Crude oil  is the most valuable natural resource  in the United States during the Industrial Revolution. Black gold (crude oil)  was significant because  it turned the  United States into an Indunstrial worldwide power. Black gold was turned into fuel and used to operate machinery.

Buildings changed and improved because William Le Barom Jenner  design d the first skyscraper with a steel frame that led to many more steel frame buildings.

GE Aviation is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and It is historical because it's where the wright brothers tested their  planes and it is also the birthplace of aviation.
Subtractive is when you take away from the metal while additive is when you put the parts on other parts reducing leftover materials and now your making less parts.
Direct Metal Laser Melting is when Laser melts together powdered metal until the design is fully grown. They make turbines more durable and make smaller lighter parts.
in my opinon this new industrial revolution is changing how we view things for example, instead of having a lot of big strong people we can  now have regular creative people working machines that'll make parts by simply typing in what you want. This saves money and space.

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